House rules

The rules at LEIP!
  • Visitors automatically agree with the house rules and regulations when entering the event area.
  • You can be searched at the entrance and on the event grounds.
  • Visitors under the age of 18 are not allowed to buy and/or consume alcohol. Visitors over the age of 18 are not allowed to provide alcohol to visitors under the age of 18.  Drinking alcohol under the legal age is not allowed. The provision of alcohol under the age of 18 is prohibited and punishable.
  • It is forbidden to bring food, alcohol, drinks, bottles, cans, glassware, and drugs on the premises, as well as chairs, cool boxes, deodorant, nail files, scissors, sticks, umbrellas, or other sharp objects.
  • The possession and/or dealing of hard drugs is prohibited. The police are alerted in case of a violation.
  • All hard and soft drugs will be confiscated.
  • Visitors enter and attend the event at their own risk. The organization is not responsible for any form of physical or mental injury resulting from a visit. This includes possible hearing damage.
  • The organization is not liable for any damage to property and/or goods of the visitors.
  • Visitors with shirts and/or clothing with specific statements of nationalistic signs or football/motorcycle clubs are not allowed and will be refused.
  • Attendees agree to the recording of themselves on images and sound carriers and the publication of those images. No rights can be granted to this.
  • In and around the event area you are obliged to follow directions from the organization, security, medical team and other parties involved in the event.
  • The LEIP! Intro and the LEIP! Festival are open only to students studying at participating educational institutions, or those who have received an explicit invitation from the organization to participate in the week and/or festival. This applies with the exception of the public events at public locations that do not require a week or festival ticket. The organization reserves the right to refuse participants upon registration if they cannot prove that they are studying at an educational institution or if they have not received an explicit invitation from the organization. In such cases the tickets will not be returned and full responsibility falls to the ticket buyer.
  • The organization reserves the right to check participants' identity cards for age verification and/or college ID, or other forms of proof to verify their educational institution.
  • The LEIP! Intro and/or Festival are open to all students. Age group will be verified by valid identification, and participants will receive a band to prevent repeated age verification at each hospitality partner. However, no bands may be exchanged, cut, exchanged, resold or fraudulent in any way. The organization reserves the right to refuse participants guilty of this from all organized events.
  • Students and/or guests who do not meet the age limit 18- will only be allowed access to LEIP! Intro and LEIP! Festival if they have received an explicit invitation from the organization or educational institution.
  • The organization can refuse visitors access.
  • Violation of the house rules can result in removal.
  • For the LIL'LEIP! Festival is also regulated by Neushoorn Leeuwarden's house rules, which can be read here.

Have you read through the rules?

Have you read through the rules? Then you are absolutely ready for LEIP!. Get your tickets on this button below.